Who is Butler Main Street?
Butler Main Street is a collection of volunteers who make Butler a fun and engaging place to live and do business. We are focused on strengthening our awesome downtown.
We are constantly brainstorming events, decorating downtown and creating projects that help make our downtown more enjoyable.
We want to foster a sense of cooperation within our community at large and with Butler organizations and citizens.
Get Involved
We hope that you will join us with your time, talents, and treasure!
We need the community to come together to help us breathe life into downtown Butler!
our mission:
To promote and encourage economic revitalization, sustainable and continuing growth, learning development and improvements through leadership, industry, community participation, and a vision for Downtown Butler.
Our Mission
To promote and encourage economic revitalization, sustainable and continuing growth, learning development and improvements through leadership, industry, community participation, and a vision for Downtown Butler.
Latest News
Chair-ish Butler
The City of Butler and the Butler Main Street Association need your support! We are currently looking for artists and sponsors for our Summer Art Project, Chair-ish Butler. This year we will be displaying painted Adirondack chairs downtown from mid-June to the Harvest...